Thursday, February 5, 2009

Space v.s. Breaking Up

For the longest, I always thought that wanting space was acceptable in some relationships, but now a days, space is probably the dumbest thing any relationship should go through. For one, the reason you go through this is because one partner isn't sure on who he/she wants to be with, so with this, its obviously been on there mind for a nice lil minute. And whenever you want space, you tend to do things that u know would not ride in any relationship. The best choice is to just break up, and now you don't have that guilt of knowing that you just violated your relationship. You see, no one is perfect, and people need to understand that, we all make mistakes but at times some partners need to realize this and forgive them for the things that they have done, and leave it in the past, never carry it with you because you will never move forward with your relationship. So for now on, no more playing games, and be true to who you want to be with.

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